Entries by Heather

Apple Watch Giveaway!

https://www.facebook.com/ChristopherMullenixMD/ Show off your Smart Mouth T-Shirt for a chance to win an Apple Watch! Contest ends the week before Christmas. Click the link above to enter to win! Like, Post Comment and Share!

Congrats Amber! Our Tailgate Winner!

Thanks to all who participated in our Ultimate Tailgate Giveaway! We hope our winner Amber has a blast at the game this weekend with all her prizes! Those of you who’ve had your wisdom teeth out with us beginning this summer, please continue to post your creative pics wearing your Smart Mouth T-shirts and SHARE […]

Tailgate Giveaway!

The Ultimate Tailgate Giveaway! Today is the LAST day to register to win our Ultimate Tailgate Giveaway! Go to our Facebook page Christopher Mullenix MD, the Tailgate Giveaway is located at the top of our page. Like the page, comment on the post and share it with your friends!